Enum IccProfileTag
Enumerates the ICC Profile Tags as defined in ICC.1:2010 version
http://www.color.org/specification/ICC1v43_2010-12.pdf Section 9
Namespace: SixLabors.ImageSharp.Metadata.Profiles.Icc
Assembly: SixLabors.ImageSharp.dll
public enum IccProfileTag : uint
Name | Description |
AToB0 | A2B0 - This tag defines a color transform from Device, Color Encoding or PCS, to PCS, or a color transform from Device 1 to Device 2, using lookup table tag element structures |
AToB1 | A2B2 - This tag describes the color transform from Device or Color Encoding to PCS using lookup table tag element structures |
AToB2 | A2B2 - This tag describes the color transform from Device or Color Encoding to PCS using lookup table tag element structures |
BlueMatrixColumn | bXYZ - This tag contains the third column in the matrix used in matrix/TRC transforms. |
BlueTrc | bTRC - This tag contains the blue channel tone reproduction curve. The first element represents no colorant (white) or phosphor (black) and the last element represents 100 % colorant (blue) or 100 % phosphor (blue). |
BToA0 | B2A0 - This tag defines a color transform from PCS to Device or Color Encoding using the lookup table tag element structures |
BToA1 | B2A1 - This tag defines a color transform from PCS to Device or Color Encoding using the lookup table tag element structures. |
BToA2 | B2A2 - This tag defines a color transform from PCS to Device or Color Encoding using the lookup table tag element structures. |
BToD0 | B2D0 - This tag defines a color transform from PCS to Device. It supports float32Number-encoded input range, output range and transform, and provides a means to override the BToA0 tag. |
BToD1 | B2D1 - This tag defines a color transform from PCS to Device. It supports float32Number-encoded input range, output range and transform, and provides a means to override the BToA1 tag. |
BToD2 | B2D2 - This tag defines a color transform from PCS to Device. It supports float32Number-encoded input range, output range and transform, and provides a means to override the BToA2 tag. |
BToD3 | B2D3 - This tag defines a color transform from PCS to Device. It supports float32Number-encoded input range, output range and transform, and provides a means to override the BToA1 tag. |
CalibrationDateTime | calt - This tag contains the profile calibration date and time. This allows applications and utilities to verify if this profile matches a vendor's profile and how recently calibration has been performed. |
CharTarget | targ - This tag contains the name of the registered characterization data set, or it contains the measurement data for a characterization target. |
ChromaticAdaptation | chad - This tag contains a matrix, which shall be invertible, and which converts an nCIEXYZ color, measured using the actual illumination conditions and relative to the actual adopted white, to an nCIEXYZ color relative to the PCS adopted white |
Chromaticity | chrm - This tag contains the type and the data of the phosphor/colorant chromaticity set used. |
ColorantOrder | clro - This tag specifies the laydown order of colorants. |
ColorantTable | clrt |
ColorantTableOut | clot - This tag identifies the colorants used in the profile by a unique name and set of PCSXYZ or PCSLAB values. When used in DeviceLink profiles only the PCSLAB values shall be permitted. |
ColorimetricIntentImageStat | ciis - This tag indicates the image state of PCS colorimetry produced using the colorimetric intent transforms. |
Copyright | cprt - This tag contains the text copyright information for the profile. |
CrdInfo | crdi - Removed in V4 |
Data | data - Removed in V4 |
DateTime | dtim - Removed in V4 |
DeviceManufacturerDescription | dmnd - This tag describes the structure containing invariant and localizable versions of the device manufacturer for display |
DeviceModelDescription | dmdd - This tag describes the structure containing invariant and localizable versions of the device model for display. |
DeviceSettings | devs - Removed in V4 |
DToB0 | D2B0 - This tag defines a color transform from Device to PCS. It supports float32Number-encoded input range, output range and transform, and provides a means to override the AToB0 tag |
DToB1 | D2B1 - This tag defines a color transform from Device to PCS. It supports float32Number-encoded input range, output range and transform, and provides a means to override the AToB1 tag |
DToB2 | D2B2 - This tag defines a color transform from Device to PCS. It supports float32Number-encoded input range, output range and transform, and provides a means to override the AToB1 tag |
DToB3 | D2B3 - This tag defines a color transform from Device to PCS. It supports float32Number-encoded input range, output range and transform, and provides a means to override the AToB1 tag |
Gamut | gamt - This tag provides a table in which PCS values are the input and a single output value for each input value is the output. If the output value is 0, the PCS color is in-gamut. If the output is non-zero, the PCS color is out-of-gamut |
GrayTrc | kTRC - This tag contains the grey tone reproduction curve. The tone reproduction curve provides the necessary information to convert between a single device channel and the PCSXYZ or PCSLAB encoding. |
GreenMatrixColumn | gXYZ - This tag contains the second column in the matrix, which is used in matrix/TRC transforms. |
GreenTrc | gTRC - This tag contains the green channel tone reproduction curve. The first element represents no colorant (white) or phosphor (black) and the last element represents 100 % colorant (green) or 100 % phosphor (green). |
Luminance | lumi - This tag contains the absolute luminance of emissive devices in candelas per square meter as described by the Y channel. |
Measurement | meas - This tag describes the alternative measurement specification, such as a D65 illuminant instead of the default D50. |
MediaBlackPoint | bkpt - Removed in V4 |
MediaWhitePoint | wtpt - This tag, which is used for generating the ICC-absolute colorimetric intent, specifies the chromatically adapted nCIEXYZ tristimulus values of the media white point. |
NamedColor | ncol - OBSOLETE, use NamedColor2 |
NamedColor2 | ncl2 - This tag contains the named color information providing a PCS and optional device representation for a list of named colors. |
OutputResponse | resp - This tag describes the structure containing a description of the device response for which the profile is intended. |
PerceptualRenderingIntentGamut | rig0 - There is only one standard reference medium gamut, as defined in ISO 12640-3 |
PostScript2Crd0 | psd0 - Removed in V4 |
PostScript2Crd1 | psd1 - Removed in V4 |
PostScript2Crd2 | psd2 - Removed in V4 |
PostScript2Crd3 | psd3 - Removed in V4 |
PostScript2Csa | ps2s - Removed in V4 |
PostScript2RenderingIntent | psd2i- Removed in V4 |
Preview0 | pre0 - This tag contains the preview transformation from PCS to device space and back to the PCS. |
Preview1 | pre1 - This tag defines the preview transformation from PCS to device space and back to the PCS. |
Preview2 | pre2 - This tag contains the preview transformation from PCS to device space and back to the PCS. |
ProfileDescription | desc - This tag describes the structure containing invariant and localizable versions of the profile description for display. |
ProfileSequenceDescription | pseq - This tag describes the structure containing a description of the profile sequence from source to destination, typically used with the DeviceLink profile. |
RedMatrixColumn | rXYZ - This tag contains the first column in the matrix, which is used in matrix/TRC transforms. |
RedTrc | This tag contains the red channel tone reproduction curve. The first element represents no colorant (white) or phosphor (black) and the last element represents 100 % colorant (red) or 100 % phosphor (red). |
SaturationRenderingIntentGamut | rig2 - There is only one standard reference medium gamut, as defined in ISO 12640-3. |
Screening | scrn - Removed in V4 |
ScreeningDescription | scrd - Removed in V4 |
Technology | tech - The device technology signature |
UcrBgSpecification | bfd - Removed in V4 |
Unknown | Unknown tag |
ViewingCondDescription | vued - This tag describes the structure containing invariant and localizable versions of the viewing conditions. |
ViewingConditions | view - This tag defines the viewing conditions parameters |